Christmas 2024

Christmas 2024

Just a quick little post to remember this Christmas 2024…the last one before our granddaughter is here!

Breakfast Casserole (recipe) I made the weekend before Christmas since we had company.
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Christmas Eve
Since Rob’s dad is seriously considering moving from Huntsville, TX to our area, so we hooked him up with one of our realtor friends. He was gracious enough to show us a couple houses on Christmas eve morning.

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Later that day, we attended church and then came home to have our traditional Christmas Eve meal (Ham, Hash brown Casserole, and Teriyaki Green beans).

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Always love having this guy in the kitchen with me.

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We had a lovely dinner with both sets of Rob’s parents, Alex, Rob, and me. After dinner some of us moved the living room for more visiting, while others of us moved to the kitchen to start the clean up and making sure kitchen was good for Christmas morning.

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Always such a blessed feeling to have everything under the tree with the lights twinkling. Also my mama heart was extra thankful to have one of the boys back under our roof even for just one night.

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Christmas Day
Our schedule was a little different this year, so Alex and Rob got up and made the homemade meatballs and sauce before Caitlyn and Drew came over.


Photo time





I always love the way Alex takes time to wrap some of this gifts he gives.

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I opened a gift for Rob and me that said the gift is outside with a key to Cailtyn’s car.

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Drew & Caitlyn are always so generous in their giving. They got us this Blackstone for when we get our new deck built. Sweeet!! So funny, that they got this, because like a week before Rob and I were out shopping and he was saying he wanted his webber and a Blackstone as his cooking

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Big brother sitting in little brother’s lap and Kayleigh feeling jealous…

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So Kayleigh joins in!

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Admiring our blank slate still..before heading over to Rob’s mom’s house.

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Riding to the farm

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Caitlyn’s apple dip

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Since we were having an early dinner, we had to jump right in to prepping our homemade pasta




Early dinner

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Opening gifts

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After gifts, some people took off, but it left my family and Rob’s brother, mom, and step dad. We jumped into a fun new game that Drew got from Alex called Wavelenth. Pretty fun once you get the hang of the structure.


  1. Joanne

    That sounds like you all had such a lovely Christmas! That Blackstone is going to be so wonderful. That Guy Who Grills blog has tons and tons of great blackstone recipe if you need ’em.

    • Lysha

      Oh thanks for the recommendation! We’ll check that out.

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