Carnival Glory Cruise:Day 0 & 1

Carnival Glory Cruise:Day 0 & 1

Today I’m finally starting to share about our Back to Back cruises. Actually this first post is about us driving down to New Orleans and the day we got on the ship.

We left around 1pm after an Eagle Court of Honor ceremony. We stopped at Conecuh headquarters for Cajun sausage dogs down in Evergreen, AL. The weather got scary. It monsooned on us for a bit, but we made it to New Orleans a little before 7pm.


We stopped for dinner at Gretna Depot, which was about a mile and half from our hotel.


They have a drink called the Trainwreck that’s $10. We didn’t get it.



Appetizer-Fried Boudin Balls – Highly recommend!


I got the Catfish Poboy and fries and Rob got the Shrimp Poboy and fries. Yummy!


We stayed at the Holiday Inn, Gretna, which allows cruise parking for a much better price than the port.


Our luggage with everything we need for the next 2 weeks…all with us!!


The sunset from our room across the Mississippi looking at New Orleans was beautiful!


Day 1
The next morning was Rob’s birthday. We woke up to see our ship was waiting for us.


Here it is zoomed in and circled.


Here I am in my vacay shirt that I never got to wear on our cruise back in March since Delta wouldn’t let us have our luggage. Read about that nightmare here>>>Getting to Miami

Breakfast at Terry Town Cafe. They have breakfast as you can see, but they’re even more known for their donuts.


After leaving there, we went back to the hotel, gathered up our stuff, called an Uber, and headed to cruise port. Getting on the ship was super easy and quick. So excited to be back on a Carnival ship!


Since we got on before we could get into our cabin walked around and checked out the ship.


We went up on deck in time for send off



Watching us sail down the Mississippi River was such a cool experience



Ready for dinner


Dinner was super awkward with our table mates, but we survived it. I thought I had pictures of every meal we had, but I can’t seem to locate those pics. However, for memory sake I noted what we ate…
Rob had Strawberry Bisque, Ceasar Salad, Calimari, Sweet and Sour Shrimp and Strawberry crème
I had Strawberry Bisque, Chicken quesadilla, Calimari, Beef brisket, and Tiramisu.

We caught the end of the Welcome Aboard show because dinner took so long. We went out on deck to watch as we continued to sail down the Mississippi River.

See all the pics from these 2 days here>>>more pics

Read more posts from this trip >>> Back to Back::Carnival Glory


  1. Joanne

    I am so glad you start to this trip with your luggage! It looks like a wonderful start to your vacation.

  2. I love this so much. Have always wanted to go on a cruise. Someday. Someday. At this point in my life, I am thinking it might be more fun to go on an Alaskan cruise since I am not too keen to sit around in my bathing suit in front of a bunch of young, slim beach bodies.
    Those clouds sure looked ominous. Hope they weren’t forecasting the weather your entire trip. Can’t wait to hear more!!

    • Lysha

      Oh girlfriend, One of the great things about cruising is you’re very likely to never see these people again. You will see so many large folks wearing hardly anything and it will make you feel good about wear you are. You will be much more in shape that many, many folks. Don’t miss out on cruising the Caribbean, because it is amazing!

  3. Annoying people and experiences are part of what makes the memories fun. lol I need details of what made that dinner awkward. lol

    Gosh…how amazing to be on a vessel that huge and think about how deep that river below you must be to support such a beast!!!! My knees would buckle just thinking about it.

    That’s a nice cruisey kind of dress for the first night! Good choice!

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