2006 Christmas Gift Lists

What I got for Christmas: Mommy Confidential: Adventures from the Wonderbelly of Motherhood Rachael Ray 365: No Repeats--A Year of Deliciously Different Dinners No One Cares What You Had for…

Got shovel?

I got an email from my Dad titled this. He lives in Denver and sent me these pics! WOW!
Struggles with Believing

Struggles with Believing

Yes, Drew is at the age where his friends are letting it be known that they don’t believe in Santa. Drew is really struggling to believe in him. He was questioning everything today about Santa. Even though we told him last year that most of the Santa we see are just his helper, he still days well why does the REAL Santa come to our mall? I did the best I could to explain, but he continued to say things like “Well, I just don’t know why we don’t get to see Rudolph” or “How does he get all over the hour in 12 hours?” I just continued to say it’s all magical and it’s really hard to understand. I’m afraid next year he won’t go for any of this and it won’t be magical anymore. Nevertheless, click below to see a couple pictures from today’s visit.

Christmas Ramblings (Part 2)

Well, I got everything done with newsletters and packages today. I also got some other gifts wrapped. We had our work party today. It seems that everytime I make something…

Christmas Ramblings…

So last weekend we went and got our Christmas tree. I'll post pictures as soon as I get through with all the rush of the next couple of days. I…

Escaping to Nature…

This weekend we'll be heading to camp for the Fall Cub Scout Camp Out. It seems like we just went camping! Hopefully it will be dry this time!

I’m back…

Good news. We can be approved for the loan. Now it's a matter of making sure we can really afford the payments and selling our house and getting the most…


I guess I've been pretty quiet here lately. I've tried not to bore you with my mundane life. I've been enjoying my days off and tomorrow it's back to the…

See my red hair turn gray

I'm scared to look at my hair closely, because I think my kids are driving me towards a head FULL of gray hair! Hair care should be part of every…

It’s about time. . .

For another question week! It was fun last time I did it. So come on. Make my week. Show me some questions!
PSH Theme: Youth

PSH Theme: Youth

This week's Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is youth. Finger Painting or maybe even body painting is youthful thing to do.
PSH Theme: Funny

PSH Theme: Funny

This week's Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is funny. I think this is pretty funny! Good blackmail material, don't ya think?
PSH Theme: Pets

PSH Theme: Pets

This week's Photo Scavenger Hunt theme is pets. Here's some ducks I had while growing up. I kept them until they got big and then gave them to someone who…
Lots going on lately…

Lots going on lately…

Ok, so for those of you interested, I did finish that list Friday night. We went out of town Saturday and Sunday. We had a really good time at Mr. Paul’s house. Paul and Vicki are always such great hosts. We swam and rode 4 wheelers and the kids road in the tractor!