August To Do List

August To Do List

August To Do List

July To Do Recap
–Get more comfortable with my Fujifilm INSTAX Mini 8 Instant Camera. – I didn’t do as much as I would have liked. One day after work, I pulled it out and walked around outside and in the house trying different things. Honestly, I’m super frustrated with it.
–Start exercising 3 times a week before the end of the month. Nothing like waiting till the last minute, but the last week in July we worked out at AU Rec & Wellness 4 times that week. This past week we made it twice, but that averages out to 3 times in a week, right? The Auburn University Rec & Wellness Center is a beautiful, state of the art gym, and I should be happy and excited to work out there. Just another example of how easy it is to take things for granted.
–Get 2 Colorado Trip posts up. I got 1 Colorado post done–>Reasons to Love Boulder, Co
–Start an independent bible study. – Didn’t get to this one, but it was on my mind. Hope to do this one in August.
–Have lunch with a friend – My family had dinner with another family and before that was the Scout Family event Chill at the Lake and I got to chat with MJ.

August To Do List
School starts back today for Alex and Drew starts AUMB Friday. I’ve got a big day this Saturday, and I could really use your prayers around 1:00 central time. I’m not seeing any major goals or to do’s for August, because honestly for August and September, I just want to survive and try to be as stress-free as possible.

What’s on your August list?

Here’s a few post that I loved…

Simple Cucumber Onion Salad
Printable Back to School Signs – Obsessed with this back to school cuteness
5 Favorite Things – July
Tomato Cucumber Salad
National Mojito Day
Summer Fresh Salsas

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