Today, I’m sharing my Amazon purchases that prepared me for shoulder surgery. So just as a recap, in March I went back to the Orthopeadic doctor, so see if I could get another steroid shot. However, after some strength tests, he seemed concerned that something might be torn, so instead of an injection he ordered a MRI. That came back and showed I had tears in my rotator cuff and bicep tendon, which is a very combination. I ended up scheduling surgery about a month out and then I started researching full force. I will say there are a ton of YouTube videos out there. Here are some things that were recommended that I found very helpful as well as some other things I discovered through my personal process of recovery.

1. Shoulder Ice Pack for Rotator Cuff Reusable Gel Cold Wrap – One of the most important things you need is a large ice pack that will cover your shoulder. Many people say you have to have a Cold Therapy Machine. I asked my doctor if I need to get this because they are very expensive. He said it was not a necessatiy, that an ice pack woudl be fine. So this large ice pack did the job. I will say it does not stay frozen as long as a small one, so I was happy I also had these Ice packs that I was able to lay over my shoulder and wrapped the other one around my upper arm depending on where I was hurting, while I waited for the large one to refreeze. You could also purchase 2 of the large ice packs to be able to switch them out.
2. Short Sleeve Shirt
My surgerical center said I needed to wear a button down shirt. All I as far as button downs were long sleeve, so I got this one.
3. Front Clasp Bras were also a lifesaver. Although you will need someone to help clasp them. I had initially gotten this One Shoulder Strap Bra, but it was so difficult to put on and take off, it wasn’t worth it.
4. Mesh Sling After 48 hours you are able to take off your big bandage and take a shower. Luckily I had Rob to help me as I needed so much help, from taking the large bandage off to taking the smaller bandages off of each incision. I had 3 small ones with real stitches (front, side, and back of shoulder) and a 2 inch incision under the arm for my bicep tendon repair that, thank God had dissolvable stitches.
Anyway this mesh sling was very much needed in the shower that day and for the first 6 weeks for protection.
5. Stadium Cushion This is an item we ended up using with the mesh sling in the shower. I needed something to tuck under my arm so it was more in the location that the other sling kept my arm. We had similar cushions to this that Rob found. We just folded it and let my arm sit on that, which helped it not hurt so bad in the shower.
6. Ello Water Bottle
Drinking water is always important, but even more so when you’re on pain meds and when your body is healing. I usually use an ello cup like this so I watned to get something that I could throw in my computer bag when I went back to work.
7. Small Crossbody Purse I had this before that I use when we’re cruising. I also found it very helpful during my recovery time because I wasn’t putting pressure on either shoulder and easy to get into since its a crossbody.
8. Computer Tote I wanted a bag for when I returned to work that I could put my water bottle in a long with my purse (above). The bag I got isn’t on Amazon anymore, but this one is very similar.
9. Driving Knob This driving knob was really helpful for me. I started driving about a week and half after surgery, while still in sling and not able to use left arm at all. This knob helped me to feel better about controlling the wheel especially while turning.
10. Wedge Pillow The wedge pillow was a must. I actually got this a month or so before surgery and trained myself to sleep on my back. This also helped with pain I had while sleeping before surgery.
11. Several Thin Pillows These came in super handy when sitting in a chair or to prop up your arm in bed.
12. Continuous Spray Bottle This spray bottle made wetting my hair much easier and faster. I enjoy it even now.
11. Rubber Ties These helped with several things like, grabbing the seat belt and I made a contraption for my phone out of them.
12. Pulley System During physical therapy, I used this often. They recomended that I had one of my own and home. It’s an easy way to loosen up.
One thing I already had that you absolutely have to have is a recliner! You will be so much more comfortable in this for a good while. Yes, I had the wedge pillow, but for at least the first few weeks, it was just so easy to sleeping the recliner. Sleeping flat is a no go for awhile, just because of the pain most people experience
Some advice I have for you if you’re preparing for surgery are as follows:
–Get your wedge pillow early and practice sleeping on your back if you’re not already a back sleeper.
–I recommend hot-natured people to schedule surgery for cooler months, not summer!
If your doctor prescribes the bulkier sling with abduction pillow, it is very warm. My arm broke out a couple days after surgery with a heat rash, which was another annoying thing.
–I’m sure your doctor will say the same thing, but you have to stay ahead of the pain. So take the meds when they tell you and take it on a regular basis, even through the night. Rob work up ever 4 hours to feed me meds and switch out my ice pack if needed.
So that’s my advice on items you need along with a few other things that helped and things to know. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.
I have a feeling a rotator cuff surgery is in PC’s very near future. Probably February. I am pinning this post because he is struggling so to sleep with his sore shoulder. Thinking maybe the wedge pillow would be a help even now.
Hope you are feeling fully back to normal. I am ready to get this foot healed and back to normal, too. May 2025 be a kinder, gentler year.
P.S. When are you posting your photos from the year? I want to join you.