Week 37 [2021]

By | September 20, 2021

Here’s another wrap up from September 13-19, 2021. I know this blog has become very stale with just boring updates of my life. However, that’s all I can muster up right now. Thank you to those of you who continue to stick with me.

I mentioned last week that life has been pretty hard lately. I’ve had several nights that looked like this…
2021-09-14 07.30.19

I am thankful for friends who call and text me and pray for me and my family. Thanks to all of you who have been praying. We have really felt the prayers.

2021-09-15 13.55.32

With all that’s been going on, Rob and I have had to take several days off work. We went to a new place near us called Brick & Spoon. I had the Bananas Foster French Toast.

2021-09-17 08.11.53

Rob had the Eggs Benedict.

2021-09-17 08.11.56

Our thoughts on Brick & Spoon…Very clean restaurant. Good service. Food came out fast. Food wasn’t anything super special. Menu was kind of underwhelming to us.

Rob and I have had to make several trip to Atlanta these last couple weeks. We found this place called Varner’s Tavern that we actually ate at 2 different times. The Big E’s Ranch Burger was awesome!
2021-09-17 13.12.02

I’ve been trying to keep myself busy by folding all mine and Rob’s t-shirts with the Marie Kondo method of folding.

2021-09-18 20.17.58

We took Kayleigh to the pet store and got her some different types of bones. We no rawhide isn’t great for dogs and we also think that may be what she’s allergic to. We walked down to TJMaxx and I got her some new toys. Here she is with the sloth.

2021-09-18 11.44.20

2 thoughts on “Week 37 [2021]

  1. Joanne

    I hear you on the little to no sleeping thing! Hoping things settle down for you soon.


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