Latest TV Watching

Latest TV Watching

With it being summer our TV watching shifts. We go into summer mode. In previous summers, Rob and I would stay up late after the kids went to bed watching movies or reruns of 24. This year, we’re not able to do that since I’m working in the evenings. So we catch up on his lunch hour, my dinner hour, and the weekends. Here’s what we’re watching this summer:

When we started watching Flashpoint, I totally thought this was a new series until I was talking to coworker about this show and he made me realize it’s not and that it’s Canadian! I love that this show pulls at my heartstrings because it’s not all about the bad guys.

is it’s first season. I was happy to watch this show when I saw that Eric Close, who I admired in Without a Trace was one of the main characters of this really, funny show about the CIA.

is a dancing show that we should have started watching from the very first season, but for some reason we didn’t! We didn’t start watching it till the 5th season. If you know me well, you know I am a dancer at heart and I can’t get through an episode without crying!

Burn Notice
was show we started watching awhile back. The main setting of the show is Miami and how I adore thee! Although, sometimes I find myself not fully paying attention, the last few episodes have me sucked in!

What are you watching this summer?

Watch for my upcoming post about shows coming back in the Fall!


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