0 thoughts on “PSH Theme: RWB

  1. melli

    What a cute family photo! You’re all ready for the parade! Have a pleasant Memorial Day weekend!

  2. Pam

    Awesome photo.

    You have a lovely family. Thanks for sharing.

    I’m up finally, Pam

  3. Sariah

    Terrific family photo! And it is perfect for this week’s theme!

    (hehehe, my word verification was “star”… patriotic, seems appropriate! lol)

  4. karen

    What a lovely family photo. Reminds me of how we get dressed up to attend our parade too (different day, different colours, but still). Hope you are having a great weekend!

  5. tnchick

    Cute family photo – you all match. I try to get our family to match but it doesn’t happen often… my photo is up, too.


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