Alex’s 13th Birthday

By | March 13, 2017

Alex turned 13 last week. His actual birthday was on Tuesday, so we celebrated by taking him to Mikata (his favorite choice).
Alex's 13th Birthday

Alex's 13th Birthday

Then, on Saturday we had a party at Surge Trampoline park.

Alex's 13th Birthday

Alex's 13th Birthday

Alex's 13th Birthday

Alex's 13th Birthday

Alex's 13th Birthday

Alex's 13th Birthday

Alex's 13th Birthday

Alex's 13th Birthday

They were so tired they couldn’t even stand for the picture!
Alex's 13th Birthday

Jumping for 2 hours = hungry and thirsty boys! So we brought them to CiCi’s for lunch. One of the boys got Alex a doll! It was quite a hit.
Alex's 13th Birthday

Alex's 13th Birthday

Click the link below to see more pics from the party!

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