How is it?

By | January 24, 2013

…That I now have a 15 year old? I mean really! It blows my mind. Yesterday was Drew’s birthday. We celebrated by going to Shogun, where we feasted on Japanese food and he opened his presents. He got an Alabama Driver’s Manual, tickets to Elton John with his Dad in March, and a weight bench and weights.

15 Years Later.....

My letter to Drew,
Although, we butt-heads more often than not, I hope you know that I love you dearly. I am happy to call you my son. When I tell you I’m proud of you, I mean it whole-heartedly. Even though, Dad and I expect a lot out of you, it’s only because we love you. I hope that last semester taught you more than just book knowledge. I was so very proud of your grades for the semester. I hope this semester you don’t dig the hole you put yourself in like before. You are capable of achieving your goals.

I find your achievements this past year even more remarkable, because you have so much that you choose to be active in. You are such a well-rounded young man. Learning to manage stress, how to be more responsible and organized, and being able to juggle all of this will only prepare you better for life. You may not appreciate that now, but someday you’ll be glad you weathered these storms.

The leadership roles you have taken on in scouts, in church D-group, in the classroom, and on the soccer field shows me the great strides you have made in the last few years. It makes me so happy to see how your peers look to you as a leader, someone they can trust and rely on.

As this year is the stepping stone to a huge responsibility of driving, I can tell truthfully tell you that it strikes fear in my like I never thought possible. 🙂 Not that I’m worried about your ability to drive so much, but just the ability to be mindful and watchful of others. More importantly the lack of mindfulness and watchfulness of others. (If that makes ANY sense!) I know as this year progresses and you begin to practice driving, many lessons will be learned. I expect to see another year full of growth from you and I look forward to experiencing this journey as Mom and Son.

Love always,

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