4 Vegetables You Can Make Into The Hero Of A Dish

4 Vegetables You Can Make Into The Hero Of A Dish

If you are trying to learn some great vegetarian recipes that you can have under your belt, there are a number of them that you might want to look into. One of the great approaches to vegetarian cooking is to simply take a single vegetable and find some way to make it the hero of a dish. It’s amazing how easily you can do this and how many ways of doing it there might be, and it’s true of a lot of different vegetables out there. Let’s take a look at some of the best vegetables that lend themselves to this particularly well.


The humble carrot is a truly amazing ingredient, and one that you can do so much with. Its versatility is a really important part of why it’s so popular and why so many people get so much out of it. A good example of how you can make it the hero of a dish is by making carrots in a few different ways, such as baked in tupelo honey, alongside simple steamed options. There are some amazing things you can do with carrots, but some of the best methods involve leveraging the vegetable’s natural subtle sweetness and finding a way to draw out the earthiness of it too.

A lot of people love cauliflower, and it’s easy to see why. If you are looking for a vegetable that you can pretty much make into an entire dish on its own, then this is definitely one to consider. There are actually a lot of ways of doing this, but a perfect example would be a simple gobi manchurian recipe. For this, you take cauliflower florets that you have made crispy through frying, and toss them in a sweet and sour sauce. It’s an entire meal in itself if it’s done right. Alternatively, you can make cauliflower steaks.

Not only is broccoli delicious and versatile, it’s also quite simply one of the healthiest vegetables you can possibly put into your body. There is so much good stuff going on in the humble broccoli, and if you eat a little of it every day, you are going to be doing yourself some great favors in terms of your ongoing health.  Plus, there are a lot of ways to prepare it, and a few major ways in which it comes, with purple sprouting broccoli being a particular favorite right now. It’s definitely one that you can play around with a little.

The leek can be turned into a soup more or less on its own, and it’s a delicious one at that. It is a great vegetable for roasting and boiling alike, and it’s got a unique flavor that you can make great use of with a little dose of creativity. All in all, then, it’s well worth thinking about cooking with leeks if you are not doing much of this already, and you’ll find that their refreshing and enjoyable taste can be really amazing in a lot of ways.

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