Here we are for Day 28 of the series. I hope you’re not sick of these posts!
A few years ago I got this cookbook for Christmas from a friend. If you are looking for great southern recipes, The VeryVera Cookbook: Recipes from My Table by Vera Stewart is a great recommendation.
Back cover

Table of Contents

Love this photo of old handwritten recipes cards (inside cover)

You can’t think of Southern cooking with out good ole Buttermilk Biscuits, right?

I love a good Breakfast Casserole. This is one very similar to what Rob’s gramma used to make. Yummy!

Like I mentioned before, when I’m able to use both arms more, I really want to start making and sharing the recipes from these cookbooks. This cheese straw recipe is a must. I’m embarrassed to say I have never made them before…oops!

This book is a must read cookbook because it completely represents southern cooking at its finest. Beautiful photos that will have you in the kitchen whipping up some of the best southern staples.

Click here to see more from this series.