23 in 2023

23 in 2023

I wanted to write this post at the beginning of the year, but then life got crazy again and I was like, “Fine, I’ll write it after the wedding.” And here we are midway through April!! haha…I did start making the list earlier this year, just couldn’t get all 23 items down till more recently

I got this idea of writing 23 things I want to do in 2023 from a podcast I listened to called Happier with Gretchen Rubin on How to Be a Better Human. Gretchen Rubin is one my favorite authors who has written several books about happiness that I find quite interesting and helpful. You can read more about her list making here >>> How to Write Your 23 for 2023 List

1. Go to NYC.
2. Exercise (be more active) than last year.
3. Make a wedding photo album of Drew & Caitlyn’s wedding.
4. See Katy Perry in concert.
5. Choose a Bible verse that is something to lean on during rough times and memorize it.
6. Clear playroom porch area in April during trash amnesty month.
7. Watch 2 or more movies off this list The 100 Best Movies To See Before You Die!
8. Redo wall hangings in front room.
9. Rob and I need to write our wills and all that goes with all that.
10. Share 12 recipes on the blog.
11. See a Broadway musical.
12. Write, try, and post 6 (or more) new recipes here on the blog.
13. Take more pictures with my big camera.
14. Hand write a letter to myself to open in 10 years.
15. Read/listen to 6 books.
16. Write Weekly posts.
17. Cook a recipe by Julia Child
18. Declutter as many areas of the house as possible.
19. Update the list of house projects to complete.
20. Make Drew & Caitlyn a time-capsule from their wedding year to give to them years down the road.
21. Review this list on the 23rd of each month.
22. Make an instax photo album for this year (do it at the end of each month so it’s not overwhelming at the end of the year.)
23. Complete all 12 months of 365 photos on Collect Photo Journal Diary App.

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