2024::Mar 17-24

By | March 25, 2024

I realized last week, that my weekly posts were Sunday to Saturday, but I really like to have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in one posts, so I’m going back to having these posts Monday to Sunday for anyone that noticed…

So before I jump into last week’s highlights, I gotta say. I’m 2 weeks away from surgery and the pain is getting worse by the day. I’m not sure how much I’m going to be able to blog from here on out. I am trying to finish up with a series that will run after surgery to give me time to recover. I’m hoping I can at least still share these weekly posts and update about my recovery.


+ Rob was at the SEC Championship game. So exciting!!

+ Getting chili again. Spring isn’t here for good yet.

+ Strawberry pie

+ My new water bottle

+ Katniss always nearby

+ My favorite burger

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