2024:: September 2 – 8

2024:: September 2 – 8


+ We were showing someone around campus. We were standing on campus at near the Toomer’s trees. I noticed this red ark in the middle of Magnolia Street near Southeastern, and started walking closer to get a picture. Then I saw the guy up top who ended up driving it to the front of the bar Southeastern. Never found out the purpose, but I guess more than anything it was an attention getter for that Thursday night (which is party night for a lot of college kids).

+ Sunrise walking into work.

+ We went to the Braves game Friday and they did fireworks afterwards.

+ Braves Win!!

+ We went into Toomer’s Drugs for some lemonade that day we were giving a campus tour. Their lemonade is the best!

+ WDE = War D*mn Eagle!! This was inside the football recruiting center.


  1. The ark looks like it could be a float in a parade. I was thinking how clever. Maybe it is just something to get the attention of college partiers on Thursday night.

    Beautiful sunrise. Hate that the sun is just rising as you are going into work. Seems terribly early. Of course, I guess, the days are getting shorter.

    Glad the Braves got you guys a win when you attended. I bet they were playing our Reds. Waaaaa!!

  2. Joanne

    A lovely wrap up of your week in photos!

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