Thanksgiving Week 2011

Well, I survived the Thanksgiving week. I was supposed to work 9-6 Monday and Tuesday. Saturday night, I felt drainage down in my throat, so I went to look for some cold meds, but we didn’t have exactly what I needed. I just went to bed without taking anything. Needless to say, I woke up Sunday with a sore throat. Monday, I woke up not feeling any better. In fact, I was having a hard time hacking my stuff up. I stopped by Walgreens for some Mucinex and headed on to work. Everyone was asking me what was wrong. “You’re looking pale and quite droopy.” Wow, ok. “I don’t feel that bad,” I thought. But as the day went on I was feeling worse. Before leaving for lunch, I told my boss I just wasn’t feeling great, so I would stay home to try and shake it. That night I hardly slept, so Tuesday after getting the kids off to school, I went to the doc in a box. After describing my symptoms, they swabbed my throat, nose, and pricked my finger for the flu test. The dr. came in and looked at my throat and ears, telling me they all looked pretty swollen. My lungs sounded rough. Few minutes later, he comes back in to tell me the flu test was positive. Flu + bronchitis = fun, right?

So I went to the pharmacy, got my meds, and went home to rest. Luckily, Rob took off Wednesday to hang out with me and the kids. Apart from visiting a physical pharmacy, you can conveniently order your medications and healthcare products from the Canadian pharmacy online. He also ran to the store to finish getting the food for Thanksgiving. By afternoon, I had a little bit of energy, enough to get up and make my side dishes for the next day. We injected the turkey and then the boys and Rob went to watch the AU women’s basketball game. I enjoyed peace and quiet.

Thursday we got up and watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade and wait for Maria and kids to get there. We put the turkey on to cook and then, realized it was going to be 3 hours before the turkey would be done in the infrared cooker. I panicked, being that I was hungry, and thinking that we’d be eating in an hour or so. I whipped out some Mini-sausage pies and fruit salad.

For our early dinner, we had:
– cajun turkey
praline sweet potatoes
– squash casserole
apple corn dressing
– gravy

Maria made the pies and apple sauce. 🙂

Didn’t take any pictures of the food.

But, I did take pictures of the cousins. Well, all except Drew who left the room when he saw me get the camera out. 🙁

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Maria and the cousins left around 7. The boys headed off and played together quietly *amazing* I got the kitchen clean and looked online for Black Friday ads. Did you go shopping Friday or did you spend Friday recovering from eating too much?


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