September To Do List

September To Do List

September To Do List

August To Do Recap
Well, since I didn’t set any specific goals for August and I just wanted to ‘survive’ I can say that obviously I did survive! Rob and I got to the gym a few times, but since the gym we go to is on campus their hours cater towards students. Since there were 2 weeks in between semesters the gym closes earlier or has very limited hours. The upside is that over the break all the machines have been switched out for brand-spanking new ones!

Let’s see Alex started school and so far so good there. Drew started and finished band camp and school has started for him. I am currently fighting a cold, sinus, allergy thing. No fun!

Rob and I celebrated our anniversary by going to Stinky’s and seeing Wonder Woman. Nice night out.

September To Do List
September is going to be another super hectic month, so my goals are again to survive. Here’s a couple other to dos that I have:
1. Get to the gym at least twice a week.
2. Start writing in my new journal.

What’s on your September list?

Here’s a few post that I loved…
September Goals
Best Ever Comfort Foods
30 Must Make Apple Recipes for Fall
15 Magnificent Fall Porch Ideas
Quick Easy Vinyl Pencil Bags

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