Here’s what I’ve been watching you YouTube the last couple months.
Christian Schaffer [264K subscribers – 86 videos] – Van Life
Christian is also a single female van lifer, who travels for her job as an outdoor adventure photographer. Her videos share dreamy landscapes with beautiful narration.
Life in My Element [53.1K subscribers – 90 videos] – Van Life Rosa lives in a Honda Element finding off the beaten paths in beautiful locations typically in the Pacific Northwest.
Jenna Phipps [706K subscribers – 368 videos] – Lifestyle Jenna’s quirky nature pulls me in. She typically share about clothing she creates from scratch or life in Canada. She recently purchased an abandoned house that she plans to fix up and I cannot wait. Here’s the video she shared showing off said house.
Paro Dee Jay [64.2K subscribers – 1.7K videos] – Cruising Dee and Jay spend their lives hopping from cruise ship to cruise ship. I love their style and they give such great info in such a fun lighthearted way.
Alexis Eldredge [54.2K subscribers – 297 videos] – NYC Lifestyle Alexis is a 26 year old actress/performer in NYC, who vlogs her life.
But First Coffee [1.11M subscribers – 610 videos] – Cleaning/Organizing Kallie is my favorite cleaning and organizing YouTuber. She shares so many great ideas. She has given me tons of inspriration for this new year to get my house cleaner and more organized.
A couple of my favorite series:
Kara and Nate‘s Series: Biking Across America [373.3K subscribers – 946 videos] – Travel/Adventure
Linnea and Akela‘s Series: Desert Homestead [218K subscribers – 308 videos] – Van Life Linnea bought a bunch of land in the desert. Follow along with her adventure…even the very stressful parts.
Some favorite videos:
Both videos I’m sharing here are new years related…
Meg Hughes [79.9K subscribers – 176 videos] – Lifestyle
Meg is Irish 20 something living her best life, just recently graduated from college studying something in film. I was sad to see on her insta stories just after sharing the video below that her cat died in a freak accident. She hasn’t posted any YouTube videos since, but I’m praying for her and the heartbreak that goes with losing a dear pet.
Roots and Refuge Farm [616K subscribers – 1.3 videos] – Homesteading
I love watching people talk about their new year’s plans. Here Jess and Miah share about their plans for their homestead and starting to build a house on their property this year.
New Channels
My +1 Life [95.8K subscribers – 543 videos] – Lifestyle
Isaac shares about his life as an NFL player and a new dad. I find his videos funny and different than anything I watch.
Alllison Kuch [211K subscribers – 586 videos] – Lifestyle – Mainly shorts
She is married to the NFL player, Isaac, mentioned above. She shares videos about life as a wife of an NFL player. She’s a new mom. NFL causes them to have to move…a lot. YouTube won’t let me embed one of shorts here. Click here to see one of her shorts.
Other thoughts
I’ve realized that YouTubers who have full videos with voice overs are not my cup of tea. Unfortunately, one of my favorite YouTubers seems to have switched to this style for most videos and I just can’t watch any more. I think it just seems more impersonal without that ‘face to face interaction’ if that makes sense.
Have you watched any good YouTube lately?
Thanks for all the recommendations! I love finding new YT follows.