Cut the top off each pepper, split down the middle, and remove seeds and innards (unless you want them extra spicy). My peppers were huge. I like them to be bite size so I cut them into smaller bite size pieces.
There are 2 types of jalapeno poppers - with and without bacon
Take a spoon full of the dip and place on top of the pepper.
If you're making poppers without bacon take some of the breading topping and place on top and press down so it sticks. If you're making with bacon, take a piece of the bacon and wrap it around the pepper.
For the bacon wrapped poppers, I place on a broiler pan or on a cookie sheet with baking rack on top to allow grease to drain as it cooks. For the non-bacon poppers, I place straight on a cookie sheet.
Cook for 15-25 minutes until bacon is done or topping is brown and bubbly for the non-bacon variety.
Recipe by A Camera and A Cookbook at